The Process Meditations

These exercises are to be done sequentially, as each one builds on the preceding exercise. This progression will allow you to feel and live high states of Consciousness. Direct experiences of Consciousness are Transformative. 

As you go through the exercises, please share your experience with me. I encourage you to send me an email with your feedback, questions, or comments.

Introduction to Awareness

The first step is to differentiate between the information I am experiencing, and experience of being aware. No matter what information I am experiencing, awareness is not that. It is simply aware.


Body-Awareness Pendulation

Awareness feels like I AM. When I focus on my body, it feels like I AM inside my body. When my focus shifts to Awareness, what happens? Pendulation is the movement between these two points of focus—body and awareness.


All Things Exist Within Awareness

From the perspective of awareness, there is no outside. All experience is possible because it exists within awareness. I can learn to shift my focus to recognize that all things are here, inside Awareness. Inside the experience of I AM. If my body is inside of awareness, inside of I AM, what am I?


Union of Body and Awareness

I can learn to hold both awareness and body in focus at the same time. This creates a union between awareness and body that will open the door to continuous, effortless transformation. This transformation is the product of self-love. My body loves Awareness, and Awareness loves my body.


Effortless flow of Consciousness

Awareness is still, and life is moving. This movement requires no effort. I can learn to follow this flow, and allow life itself to do the work.


The One Thing That Exists

Consciousness is the one thing that exists. By learning to hold my focus on the whole of our experience, Consciousness begins to come into focus.